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From Wilderness to Promised Land
The Evolution of Kosher Meat Consumption
[Aharei Mot]

●Parshat Achrei Mot規定,:肉類消費只能是會幕中獻祭的潔淨動物,以預防在曠野中出現偶像崇拜。


● 不合乎規定的屠宰等同於謀殺。



Speaking Purity
The Role of Speech
In Metzora's Purification Rituals

Examining the Metzora purification ritual within Yom Kippur, the article probes into the symbolic nuances of the Holy of Holies and Azazel. It analyzes the power of speech, contrasting its holiness with impurity. Furthermore, it discusses Metzora's journey of reintegration, highlighting the Two Birds Ritual as a pivotal moment. This exploration offers insights into ancient traditions and their relevance to contemporary spiritual discourse.


深入研究Parshat Tazria, 研究猶太信仰中“分娩後不潔與贖罪的律法內容”,與基督教觀點形成鮮明對比。研究分娩對心理的影響。包括母子間的渴望,y以及贖罪誓言對母親的意義。理解猶太傳統中分娩的複雜性,以及信仰中習俗對心理產生的影響

創造之外: 第八日和尚未到來的相遇。



探討的Vayikra<利未記>和Tzav Torah<律法書誡命>細微的差別。分析了猶太信仰中自願奉獻和誡命規定奉獻的動力來源。查考了在執行誡命過程中,意念的純粹在燔祭和平安祭方面所具有的、獨特的複雜性平衡,顯明了律法書中所規定的獻祭順序的深刻隱意。闡明了自願與規定義務之間的相互作用






探討了諾亞公義的後裔和安息日規定之間的交集。深入探討了希伯來字母在安息日規定中的重要意義。探討了部分字母的重音所體現的意義,以及與安息日聖潔的對應。給出了“Sefer Yetzirah”的教導。闡明了安息日聖潔的本質和非以色列人應該遵守的相關規定;以及如何尊榮自己獨特的身份。

Truth and Empathy
The Balancing Act of Leadership
Golden craft. [Ki-Tisah]

In the Torah portion, Ki Tisa, the episode of the Golden Calf unfolds, spotlighting the intertwined themes of leadership, sin, and redemption. Moses and Aaron navigate the aftermath, showcasing Aaron's unique educational approach, which integrates truth-telling with empathy. Through their actions, the narrative illustrates the profound potential for rectification and second chances, emphasizing the importance of connection in the face of mistakes and pursuing spiritual growth.

Journey to Holiness and Ritual in the Tabernacle

Examining the Tabernacle's essence, this article elucidates the dynamic between contribution and commandment, underscoring their roles in holiness and priesthood. It delves into the nuanced differences between the two, emphasizing the profound significance of incense within the Tabernacle. Moreover, it discusses how the Tabernacle service transcends ritual, influencing daily life and societal norms, offering insights into ancient practices' enduring impact on contemporary spirituality.
