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What Is A Noahide?

Noahides are a community of non-Jews who follow the righteous Laws of Noah according to the teachings of the Jewish Bible.

A shared mission unites Noahides from different cultures worldwide; to live morally, create peace, and mend the world.

Letters of support from Renowned Rabbis

The attached letters are letters support for Noahides and for the Noahide World Center (Brit Olam) for their efforts in disseminating the Noahide Faith around the world. (English translations will be availablable soon)

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Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, “Rishon Letzion”, Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel

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Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Dahan

VIEW Translation

Mordechai Eliyahu

VIEW Translation

Rabbi David Lau, Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi of Israel

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Dov Lior

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Rabbi Yaccov Peretz

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Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu

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Rabbi Arya Steren

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Rabbi Avigdor Nabtzel

Deepen your relationship with God!

“ I pledge my allegiance to Hashem,
God of Israel”

Lessons on the Book "Brit Shalom" by Rabbi Oury Cherki

《和平之約》第 4 章,第 4 部分,Brit Shalom 作者:Rabbi Oury Cherki


第 4 章,第 2 部分,和平之約“(Brit Shalom),作者:Rabbi Oury Cherki


第 4 章,第 1 部分,《和平之約》(Brit Shalom),作者:Rabbi Oury Cherki



Theology, Ethics, and Jewish Philosophy: Examining life's big questions.


The Concept of Chosenness in the Light of Jewish Sacred Texts

和平之約 第 4 章,第 3 部分(Brit Shalom) 作者:Rabbi Oury Cherki


#1 'Namma' Noahide Women Magazine


Shalom dear sisters,

We are thrilled to present the very first volume of the Noahide Women's Magazine! This exciting new venture has been born from the inspiration and wisdom of Noahide women like you.

Within these pages, you will find a collection of articles written by remarkable Noahide women, sharing their unique perspectives, experiences, and insights. From personal reflections on their spiritual journeys to practical advice on navigating everyday life as a Noahide woman, these articles offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

We believe this magazine will resonate with all Noahide women, and with any woman interested in exploring the beauty and depth of the Noahide path. We encourage you to share this inaugural volume with your friends and family, and to subscribe to our mailing list to receive future issues.

May this magazine serve as a source of inspiration, support, and connection for the Noahide women's community.

Weekly Portion of Torah

by Rabbi Ouri Cherki


在Parashat Pinchas 部分,西羅非哈的女兒們促使以色列繼承法發生重大改變,導致一項新的律法規定應運而出。允許女兒繼承父母遺產,前提是父母沒有兒子。這一案例說明了神聖的指引和人民的主動性之間的互動關係。在西羅非哈女兒們給出問題之後,在摩西尚不能作出決定的情況下,神指示摩西作出準確的判斷。這一案例以及其他類似的案例,強調了人民在律法的進化和神聖啟示間,在公眾對律法的遵行和回應方面所起到的重要作用。

羨慕與嫉妒 :巴蘭預言的二重性

在Parashat Balak部分,巴蘭是列國偉大的先知,他對以色列的態度體現出羡慕和嫉妒的複雜混合。雖然他想要詛咒以色列,但最終他是祝福了以色列。說明了聖靈和預言的影響力。巴蘭自相矛盾的態度也是更為廣泛的反猶主義和受寵兒童精神分析的主題。


<Midrash Tanna D'bei Eliyahu>的肯定和支持。

從死亡到永生, 紅母牛的潔淨之路

在Parashat Hukat中,紅母牛<Para Aduma>儀式象徵著從死亡的污穢中得以潔淨,死亡的污穢源自知識樹中的罪。儀式涉及到將灰燼用活水調和,分別代表了身體和靈魂。象徵著通過復活來恢復生命。這一過程儘管具備象徵性的清晰度,但強調了一個神聖的奧秘:生與死之間的過渡,遠在人類的理解力之外。米德拉什突出並強調了紅母牛的奧秘,以及復活的重要性和神聖意志深不可測的本質

Preliminary Noahide Self-Declaration

I agree to uphold the Seven universal Noahide Laws, which were given by God to Noah as a binding set of laws for all of humankind and were revealed by Moshe.
Details & observance of these laws have been preserved, clarified, and expounded upon by the sages of Israel from generation to generation.
