I Noachidi sono una comunità di non ebrei che seguono le giuste leggi di Noè secondo gli insegnamenti della Bibbia Ebraica.
Una missione comune unisce individui Noachidi provenienti da diverse culture in tutto il mondo: vivere in modo etico, promuovere la pace e contribuire alla riparazione del mondo.
Trova uno scopo, conforto e una comprensione più profonda della spiritualità. Questi libri possono essere acquistati come libri cartacei o Ebook e in varie lingue.
Le lettere allegate sono lettere di sostegno ai Noachidi e al Centro Mondiale Noachidi (Brit Olam) per i loro sforzi nella diffusione della Fede Noachide in tutto il mondo. (Le traduzioni in Italiano saranno presto disponibili)
“Giuro la mia fedeltà ad Hashem,
Dio d’Israele”
There are additional laws that apply only to Jews, but since they exist, they are also relevant to the descendants of Noah.
One who does not honor the Creator ultimately fails to respect the world He created and oneself.
The essence of the the laws of blasphemy is to reject a pessimistic worldview that sees only evil in God's world and tends to blame the Creator.
Teologia, etica e filosofia ebraica: esaminare le grandi domande della vita.
The Concept of Chosenness in the Light of Jewish Sacred Texts
One should not hastily dismiss every atheist—perhaps the outspoken atheist is, in fact, a hidden believer.
Shalom dear sisters,
We are thrilled to present the very first volume of the Noahide Women's Magazine! This exciting new venture has been born from the inspiration and wisdom of Noahide women like you.
Within these pages, you will find a collection of articles written by remarkable Noahide women, sharing their unique perspectives, experiences, and insights. From personal reflections on their spiritual journeys to practical advice on navigating everyday life as a Noahide woman, these articles offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.
We believe this magazine will resonate with all Noahide women, and with any woman interested in exploring the beauty and depth of the Noahide path. We encourage you to share this inaugural volume with your friends and family, and to subscribe to our mailing list to receive future issues.
May this magazine serve as a source of inspiration, support, and connection for the Noahide women's community.
del Rabbino Ouri Cherki
In Parshat Pinhas, the daughters of Zelophehad prompt a pivotal change in Jewish inheritance laws, leading to a new directive that allows daughters to inherit when there are no sons. This narrative illustrates the dynamic interaction between divine guidance and the people's initiative. Moshe, initially unsure, receives instructions from HaShem only after the daughters raise their concern. This story, along with similar cases, underscores the importance of the people's role in the evolution of Jewish law and Divine revelation through communal inquiry and response.
In Parshat Balak, Balaam, a renowned prophet among nations, embodies the complex mix of admiration and jealousy towards Israel. Though intending to curse Israel, he ultimately blesses them, illustrating Divine inspiration and prophecy's influence. This paradoxical attitude reflects broader themes of anti-Semitism and the favored child's psychoanalytic response. The Torah emphasizes hope, as prophecy in the synagogue signifies potential Divine influence on all humanity, supported by the Midrash Tanna D'bei Eliyahu's assertion of the Holy Spirit's universal accessibility.
Sono d'accordo nel sostenere le Sette Leggi universali di Noè, che furono date da Dio a Noè come un insieme di leggi vincolanti per tutta l'umanità e che furono rivelate da Moshe. I dettagli e l'osservanza di queste leggi sono stati preservati, chiariti ed esposti dai saggi di Israele di generazione in generazione.