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Real Bible Moral Values
Hammas attacked Israel
what was wrong with Israel's Moral Discernment?

In the Cain and Abel narrative, Rabbi Yochanan's interpretation highlights the risks of showing kindness to the wicked, underscoring the need for discernment in acts of compassion. This story prompts us to reflect on moral behavior, emphasizing the importance of considering the character and intentions of those to whom we extend kindness. What broader ethical lessons can we draw from this cautionary tale, and how can we apply them to our interactions with others?

Civilians Under Siege
Hebrew People in the Face of Terror

"Israel recently experienced an unfounded terrorist attack, deliberately targeting civilians, encompassing women, children, and the elderly. In the face of adversity, the Jewish people demonstrated their unity and strength, guided by their faith in one God. They aspire to create a world characterized by peace, harmony, and dignity. To contribute, you can help disseminate this message in your language, among your friends, and provide financial support. May blessings be sent to Israel and all those who stand in solidarity. Let us pray for peace, invoking the hope that 'He who makes peace in His heavens, may He make peace upon the people of Israel and the entire world.'"

Odhalenie srdca:Kde sa viera stretáva s činmi

Jom Kipur ponúka odpustenie za hriechy voči Stvoriteľovi, ale hľadanie odpustenia za previnenia voči iným si vyžaduje viac. Viera v Boha nás spája vertikálne, ale naše činy voči blížnym určujú naše horizontálne vzťahy. Dôležitý verš z Tóry: 'Miluj svojho blížneho ako seba samého, Ja Som Ha Šem, prelína tieto rozmery. Ak chceme skutočne veriť v jedného Stvoriteľa, musíme v našich vzájomných vzťahoch stelesňovať láskavosť a etiku, pretože "Ja Som Ha Šem" nám prikazuje milovať nielen Boha, ale aj človeka vedľa nás. Toto zosúladenie spája vieru a správanie a vedie k skutočnému etickému konaniu.

Beyond Faith and Reason: Exploring the Hidden Depths of God’s Existence

Discover the profound mysteries of existence through the works of Maimonides and Rabbi Yehuda Halevi in this captivating article. Explore Maimonides' rational inquiry into the existence of God and Rabbi Yehuda Halevi's historical testimonies, and uncover the interplay of faith and reason in their philosophies. Delve into the wisdom of the Torah as you unravel the enigmatic tapestry of divine existence, embarking on a transformative journey of heart and soul.

How to Be on the Right Spiritual Path?

What is the right approach to God's Divinity? Is it related to Beliving in God?
