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Truth and Empathy
The Balancing Act of Leadership
Golden craft. [Ki-Tisah]

The Torah portion of "Ki Tisa" is the Parsha of crisis. It's a Parsha of crisis in the process of revelation. Initially, God gave the tablets of the covenant, and everything seemed in order. However, we see that the people of Israel need to meet the requirements expected of them, as evidenced by their creation of the golden calf, which they worship and sacrifice. This results in the shattering of the tablets. But there's a remedy; after these actions, the second tablets are given following a request for forgiveness and atonement, demonstrating that mistakes can be rectified. The essence of our Parsha is that although there are mistakes, they can be corrected.

How did this mistake of the golden calf happen? It's pretty simple: Moses and Aaron are accustomed to working together - Moses outlines the direct path, and Aaron outlines the path of correction for those who have sinned. But what happens when Moses is atop the mountain and Aaron is below? There's a disconnect between Moses and Aaron, and Aaron finds himself in a situation where people ask to sin. What does the educator do when he sees his disciple faltering? One option is to say, "I don't agree with this fall; I set the truth, and that's it." This is one option. Aaron, the priest's educational strategy is different. He says we must participate with the sinner in their sin and then elevate them. There's danger in this pedagogy, but it's also told of Aaron, the priest who loved creatures and brought them closer to the Torah.

Aaron does not compromise on the fundamental principles of Moses' Torah. But he knows how to approach sinners. And from this, we learn for generations. Because when conveying divine messages and educational messages in general, there's always a need to maintain two paths. One path of absolute truth-telling is what Moses does when he descends from the mountain and burns the calf. In contrast, the second path involves knowing how to participate to some extent in the actions of the person faltering to raise and correct them. The connection made during the Parsha between Moses and Aaron shows that this combination ultimately wins, bringing rectification to the world.

How can you keep in touch with people not on a comfortable path while staying true to your principles?

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超越視界: 猶太節日如何超越聖經時代?

Pashat Emor 強調了時間和地點的神聖性,給出了利未記中主要與聖殿相關的以色列節期。講述了摩西如何向以色列人民傳達這些律法和誡命以及相關其他概念的引入,例如在律法書所規定節期以外的節期。將燈壇、聖殿與新的節期--光明節相聯繫,將麵包排列的規定與普爾節相聯繫。表明了在傳統演化和進化過程中,時間的神聖性和神聖的顯明不斷出現在歷史的進程



From Wilderness to Promised Land
The Evolution of Kosher Meat Consumption
[Aharei Mot]

●Parshat Achrei Mot規定,:肉類消費只能是會幕中獻祭的潔淨動物,以預防在曠野中出現偶像崇拜。


● 不合乎規定的屠宰等同於謀殺。


