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耶特羅不是以色列人,但是確實和摩西有著密切的家庭聯繫。耶特羅雖然不是以色列人,但他認同以色列。當律法被賜與以色列的時候,他渴望能在現場。或許律法書要告訴我們的隱意是:假如缺乏夥伴關係,律法就還不能交付以色列人民,至少 世上他國的某些人必須要在現場見證。 


613指的是十誡的展開和細節,這是交付給以色列人民的律法;7指的是諾亞律法的總綱,這是交付給諾亞後裔的律法。交付給諾亞後裔的律法,是律法書不可或缺的重要組成部分!律法的數值<Gematria>是620,對應於皇冠<KETER>,皇冠指的是至聖者 神的榮耀冠冕,感謝讚美歸於我們的神,神聖榮耀的冠冕向世人顯明,不僅交付以色列,也交付給全人類。假如沒有耶特羅,就沒有律法的給出。 





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#1 'Namma' Noahide Women Magazine


Shalom dear sisters,

We are thrilled to present the very first volume of the Noahide Women's Magazine! This exciting new venture has been born from the inspiration and wisdom of Noahide women like you.

Within these pages, you will find a collection of articles written by remarkable Noahide women, sharing their unique perspectives, experiences, and insights. From personal reflections on their spiritual journeys to practical advice on navigating everyday life as a Noahide woman, these articles offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

We believe this magazine will resonate with all Noahide women, and with any woman interested in exploring the beauty and depth of the Noahide path. We encourage you to share this inaugural volume with your friends and family, and to subscribe to our mailing list to receive future issues.

May this magazine serve as a source of inspiration, support, and connection for the Noahide women's community.

The Quantum Self: Exploring the Boundaries of Reality
Blending the Physical and the Virtual

Delve into the ancient idea of simultaneous existence in multiple realms. Examine how biblical narratives like Jacob's dream and Ezekiel's vision foreshadowed modern concepts of parallel realities. Discover how technology is facilitating global spiritual connections, bridging geographical distances and uniting people through shared beliefs.
