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以撒的故事出現在律法書每日閱讀部分的“Vayera”。這是我們先祖亞伯拉罕靈性生涯的巔峰。這個故事講述了什麼?主題就是“神試驗亞伯拉罕”。但問題隨之而來:神為什麼要試驗亞伯拉罕,而不是試驗以撒?畢竟,在祭壇上被獻為祭的是以撒,而不是亞伯拉罕。拉比猶大.羅恩.阿什肯納茲(Judah Loen Ashkenazi )解釋說:阿基达(Akeidah)的解讀是合理的,因為亞伯拉罕概括體現了仁慈和愛的屬性。 

慈愛(Chesed)反對捆綁以撒,因為慈愛(Chesed)認為,至神者 神,感謝讚美歸於我們的神,神賜給生命,為什麼又要收回生命呢?但另一方面,以撒有著嚴厲(Gevurah )的屬性,阿基达(Akeidah)認為,這並不是一個新概念。根據嚴厲的屬性(Gevurah or strict justice):人必須為自己所得到的付出代價。以撒免費獲得生命的代價就是:將生命還給他的創造者。因此對以撒而言,捆綁以撒並非是新概念(Akeidah)。相反,對亞伯拉罕而言,這是個新概念。 


因此,至聖者 神,感謝讚美歸於我們的神!神吩咐亞伯拉罕不可向童子下手。並強調了所有犧牲的核心。哈拉哈(Chalacha )指出:當我們願意奉獻自己的時候,並非需要我們犧牲自己的生命,而可以用動物替代我們。正如亞伯拉罕所做的:獻上公羊,而不是以撒。 

誰從這一偉大的奉獻中獲益?實際上,受益的是全人類。亞伯拉罕對陪同他和以撒的非希伯來人,非猶太人說:“我和童子去那邊敬拜,之後就會到你們這裡來”(創世記22:5)。回到你們這裡,將帶回來豐富的道德和精神啟蒙。阿基达(Akeidah ),這就是捆綁以撒帶給全世界的意義。

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#1 'Namma' Noahide Women Magazine


Shalom dear sisters,

We are thrilled to present the very first volume of the Noahide Women's Magazine! This exciting new venture has been born from the inspiration and wisdom of Noahide women like you.

Within these pages, you will find a collection of articles written by remarkable Noahide women, sharing their unique perspectives, experiences, and insights. From personal reflections on their spiritual journeys to practical advice on navigating everyday life as a Noahide woman, these articles offer a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.

We believe this magazine will resonate with all Noahide women, and with any woman interested in exploring the beauty and depth of the Noahide path. We encourage you to share this inaugural volume with your friends and family, and to subscribe to our mailing list to receive future issues.

May this magazine serve as a source of inspiration, support, and connection for the Noahide women's community.

The Quantum Self: Exploring the Boundaries of Reality
Blending the Physical and the Virtual

Delve into the ancient idea of simultaneous existence in multiple realms. Examine how biblical narratives like Jacob's dream and Ezekiel's vision foreshadowed modern concepts of parallel realities. Discover how technology is facilitating global spiritual connections, bridging geographical distances and uniting people through shared beliefs.
