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The answers provided on this Q&A page

have been compiled from various Rabbis

representing the Brit Olam organization and Beit Midrash Avraham.

Noahide Journey Q&A

why we are called Bnei Noach or Noahides?

Question: I don’t understand why we are called Bnei Noach or Noahides. Because we, as Noahides, who came out of the Goyim, have the Torah now and are used to reading it, why am I “only” a Bat Noach, so to say, whereas before (as an ex-Christian) I was used to keeping the Ten Commandments and was reading Torah already?

Why is our name not something like Bnei Moshe instead of Bnei Noach ?

Does it mean that, we, Noahides, are still on the level of the generation that survived the flood and need to go through all the stages humanity went through as from the times right after the flood ?

Answer: Your question is beautiful, and I am happy to answer

Fundamental Assumption One:

We believe in the written Torah, which Christians mistakenly refer to as the 'Old Testament.' 

We also received the Oral Torah. 

Reading and understanding the Torah as it is written is inaccurate and lacks understanding.

Fundamental Assumption Two:

The world's Creator gave Adam six commandments and added one more to Noah.

Afterward, additional commandments were introduced to the ancestors of the Israelite nation, specifically to the people of Israel. 

Abraham implemented circumcision, Isaac instituted tithing, and Jacob prohibited the consumption of the sciatic nerve. 

When the Israelites departed from Egypt, Moses, our teacher, finalized the Torah And mandated the people of Israel to observe the 613 commandments.

In other words, unlike the Children of Noah [Noahide] who are obligated by seven commandments 

(and, of course, can add more as we detail in our 'Brit Shalom' Book), the 613 commandments obligate the people of Israel.

Based on these fundamental assumptions, Maimonides summarizes in his Laws of Kings (end of chapter 8) in his golden words as follows:

"Anyone who accepts upon himself the fulfillment of these seven mitzvot and is precise in their observance, 

Is considered one of "the pious among the gentiles" and will merit a share in the world to come.

This applies only when he accepts them and fulfills them because the Holy One, blessed be He, 

Commanded them in the Torah and informed us through Moses, our teacher, 

That Noah's descendants had previously been commanded to fulfill them..."

As can be seen, the definition of "Noahide" leads to two insights:

A. The obligation to the seven commandments as Noah obligated all of humanity (the people of Israel, in this sense, took on much more)

B. This obligation stems from accepting the yoke of the Creator's kingdom through the Torah of Moses.

This is also the wording of the declaration of one who wishes to become a formal Noahide:

"I pledge my allegiance to HaShem, God of Israel, Creator and King of the Universe, and God's Torah. 

I pledge to observe the Seven Laws of Noah, in their details, according to the Oral Law of Moshe under the guidance of the rabbis..."

Now, we are left with one last point to clarify.

On the surface, an average person refrains from murder or theft due to logical reasoning. 

Why does the Creator command us to behave this way?

You can explore this further by clicking this link.


Is any preparation necessary for the adoption of the Pledge?

Question: Is any preparation necessary for the adoption of the Pledge? Is there a minimum amount of study a person must do before making the Pledge?

Answer: Of course, a person must understand what he declares, understand the Torah and Jewish tradition, and realize what obligations he takes upon himself. Halacha leaves all these questions to the discretion of the particular Beth Din. So far, there is no generally accepted opinion on the issue of the “necessary minimum of studies.” We count on the fact that today, at the initial stage of the Noahide movement, when only people who have passed a long period of their reflection join the movement, all the candidates know the basic ideas of Judaism and the concept of Bnei Noah; However, in the future, perhaps, such a minimum will need to be formalized. We recommend that you get acquainted with the special section ‘7 Commandments.

Following this response, we offer a short course that provides the necessary knowledge and tools to study Noahisem and how to make a personal declaration.

For more info. click here

What is the meaning of the Bnei Noah Pledge?

Answer: The Pledge recognizes the Divine source of the Torah of Moses and its interpretation in the Jewish tradition. This recognition is what obligates Noahides to observe the Seven Commandments. Furthermore, making such a declaration is a self-commitment towards the Creator of the world, acknowledging that you accept the yoke of His kingship upon yourself, thereby drawing closer to the Creator of the world.

Why is the official recognition of a person as a Noahide, in the face of the Jewish religious court?

Question: Why is the official recognition of a person as a Ben Noah  (i.e., “The Pledge of Noahide’s” in the face of the Beth Din – the Jewish religious court)? To my mind,  the observation of the 7 Commandments, having belief in the heart, love for neighbors, and doing good for people are more important. Why is such a formal action as the Pledge necessary? As for me, it will be an external form that is not relevant.

Answer: Your question is very important—especially for people who are used to thinking critically throughout their lives, who are individualists in their lifestyles, and who avoid all things in which “officiation”  can appear.

No doubt, the observance of the  Commandments, a belief in the heart, a love for one's neighbors and performing good for people are the most important. But ‘to be the most important’ does not mean that nothing else is needed. That’s why we believe that “The Pledge of Bnei Noah” is very important – in one’s personal plan, in one’s social status, and in one's influence on the world.


1. The declaration changes the identity of a person. For most people, a publicly and officially stated position has a more severe impact on their self-identification than an internal decision on its own.

2. According to Jewish tradition, “he who observes what he owes has greater merit before Heaven than he who observes what he does not owe” (Talmud, Bava Kamma, 38а). Often, we think vice versa – that he who does more than he owes is more worthy than if it were his obligation – but Jewish tradition believes otherwise. “Voluntary observance without obligation is often easier for a person than doing what he must do; to keep an obligation is more difficult. But the influence of such a person who “not only does but pledged to do” on the world is more significant because the observation of one’s obligations lies at the basis of the proper development of mankind.

3. The Pledge changes one’s personal status in the eyes of the Torah. According to Maimonides, only a Ben Noah who accepts the Pledge may observe additional commandments not included in the seven obligatory commandments. It is derived from the principle: observation of the obligatory precedes over the voluntary. .

4. The Pledge alters one’s personal status about the Jewish people. It means fully joining the Torah and the Jewish people. That’s why a Ben Noah who accepts the Pledge becomes a member of the religious society. Accordingly, Judaism requires the Jewish people and their representatives to assist such a person in their studies, observance, and religious advancement.

5. Accepting the Pledge creates the natural Noahide movement in the world. The existence of such a movement has a significant impact on the world. In this way, our world can learn about the opportunity to be Bnei Noah. This is why it’s essential for the movement to be socially explicit. For this purpose, the acceptance of the Pledge is very significant.

For further information, Explaining the matter thoroughly from a different angle: Click Here!

Question: Is your organization affiliated with Chabad?

Question: Is your organization affiliated with Chabad?

Answer: Our organization is recognized by the Chief Rabbis of Israel, the former Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, and other important Rabbis, as seen on our website and in our books.Isaiah wrote that the Torah comes from Jerusalem. Therefore, the question is whether Chabad is related to the source, Jerusalem. The answer is yes; they are related to and connect with us. For example, they sell our Brit Shalom book worldwide, which is just one small example.You can learn about Noahide's behavior according to the ancient Hebrew roots.

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Noahide Life Q&A

Birthday- Jewish or Gregorian?

Question: According to what calendar will be preferable for Bnei Noah to celebrate their birthday – Jewish or Gregorian?

Answer: There is no specific commandment to celebrate the date of birth, so we can’t answer this question from the point of view of “what God wants from us.”

If Ben Noah has relatives with whom he wants to celebrate his birthday, and for them, the Gregorian date is more habitual, then he can celebrate the birthday according to the Gregorian date.

observing Shabbat?

Question: Hi, Ive heard its forbidden for Noahides to observe the shabbat. Is it, though, allowed to respect it? For example, someone has a bad habit and refrains from that bad habit on Shabbat to respect it. Let's say refraining from smoking or other unhealthy habits on Shabbat in light of having respect for that day. Kind regards, Gideon.

Answer: Dear Gideon, Greetings from Jerusalem! I am clarifying some information for you regarding the observance of Shabbat. While some influential Rabbis have stated that Noahides can keep a full Shabbat, it is not recommended.
However, it's important to note that the reason we honor Shabbat is related to God's world creation (he created the whole world, not only Jews...), which is mentioned in the Ten Commandments. This is not just for Jewish people, so you can take action to honor the Shabbat.
For example, consider organizing a special meal with your family, learning some Torah, or disconnecting from your cellphone. These are all ways to show respect for Shabbat's significance.
You can see more in our book Brit Shalom

I hope this information helps—best wishes from Jerusalem.

Social dancing as a Noahide?

Question: My hobby is social dancing. However, six years ago, I became pregnant and was unable to do it, and I have since learned Noah Hyde. According to Halaka, men and women who are not married should not dance with each other, but does this also apply to non-Jewish people? I'd like to start social dancing again, and I'm just curious. (My husband can dance with me, but I'm leaving you a question.)

Answer 1 (R. Yeshayahu. Hollander) : The prohibition for Jews is a rabbinical prohibition. Rabbinical prohibitions do not apply to non-Jews, they were not addressed to them. Mixed social dancing MAY engender relationships which are better avoided, so it is reasonable to avoid the social dancing which may lead to problems. As Noahides are reasonable people, they are expected to behave carefully. To summarize: mixed dancing is not prohibited to Noahides, but should be done only in avoidance of danger of developing the wrong kind of relations.

Answer 2 (Rabbi Moshe Bernstein) : There is a connection between societal modesty standards and divorce rates. For a couple, the focus should be on building a strong, trusting relationship. Modesty in behavior can be part of this.
Modesty has a special place within the Noahide code as it is based on the idea that the human body is a sacred gift from G-d. Modesty is a way of showing respect for our bodies and for the people around us. It is also a way of protecting ourselves from temptation and sin that are more probable with immodest dress, behavior or speech.
Modesty is not just about dressing in a modest way. It also applies to behavior, speech, and interactions with others, particularly between men and women. One must observe rules of modest behavior in social interactions. Social dancing could challenge the relationship of a couple.
It also includes avoiding vulgar language and drawing excessive attention to oneself. It encourages individuals to conduct themselves with respect, considering the sensitivities and feelings of others and their spouses. "Before a blind person do not put a stumbling block". It is prohibited to physically endanger or cause harm to individuals who have visual impairments. This moral principle also means to refrain from intentionally misleading or taking advantage of someone who is unaware or lacks knowledge about a particular situation. It warns against actions that are intentionally misleading or taking advantage of someone's lack of awareness or understanding. Social dancing might involve physical attraction to a married woman and to mislead others that the woman they are dancing with is not married.
That being said, there is no clear transgression if a married woman dances with another person in social dancing. However, it might lead to unwanted results such as harming your husband's feelings, misleading or attracting other persons to married women, inappropriate behavior according to moral standards of the 7 Noahide laws, risking your marriage etc. Overall, it is recommended to avoid this practice. It will be permitted if doing it only with your husband.

Answer 3 (Rabbi Oury Cherki ): Modesty laws vary depending on the accepted social norm. Therefore, in a non-Jewish society where partnered dancing is part of the culture, it is permitted as long as it is not intended to arouse sexual desires.

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